Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm like you

You ever "woman watch"? Be honest. You know, you see that woman who is "perfect". She has beautiful hair, slender, beautiful eyes, nice car, nice clothes, the list could go on and on. With every woman you see she is more and more perfect than you.

We are funny creatures aren't we? I don't think men do this. But I know as women we sure do. Every weakness we see in ourselves, is magnified as perfection in others. But you know what? I believe that every woman has a story. It doesn't matter how perfect she might seem on the outside. How beautiful or how smart. Inside, she is just like you and me. We have all been hurt in some way. We all struggle with something. We all have a "history", a "past". We have all overcome something really big in our lives.

What if a smile was all it took to break down the walls that separate us? What if one act of kindness could change someones entire life? You might do this and never even know the impact it had on someone else's life.I think it is these small gestures that mean the most. You know, when someone does something like this because it is just the "right thing to do", you just know it isn't genuine. But when it is just a passing stranger, it just has a different feel to it.

I think as women, there is a connection in all of us. A tie that bonds us all together. Like if you pulled a piece of thread and the entire piece unraveled. I think these small gestures could be that tiny piece of thread. Only when this thread is pulled, there is a bond formed that cannot be broken.

You hear news stories of a terrible accident on the highway. Complete strangers risk their own lives to try and rescue someone they don't even know. What if the people you cross paths with every day are in a terrible accident on the INSIDE? What if they are there by divine appointment? What would you do differently? My challenge to you and to myself is to look at people with new eyes. To realize that everyone eles is really JUST LIKE YOU.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

great post girl! Have a wonderful weekend and week!