Friday, November 6, 2009


I am sitting here blogging while listening to my husband "crunch", "crunch", "crunch" on chips and salsa. You cannot begin to imagine what it sounds like to a person like myself. It sounds like each bite is being magnified right into a major microphone. This used to really bother me. I mean, it still bothers me, but not near as bad. Because I realized that it is just me. I can hear multiple conversations going on around me at any given time. I am very sensitive to other peoples feelings. Over time, I have realized that this is just unique and has something to do with the way God made "ME".

I just have extremely sensitive ears. I wonder what it would be like if I was that sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit? What if we just listened and "got it" the first time he told us? I think life would be lived with the greatest blessing. Let's learn to hear the voice of God instead of shrugging it off as some annoying noise that is getting on our nerves.

Be blessed as you listen for the sweet voice of your heavenly daddy!

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